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Multiply the Impact of Your Church

Jesus built the Church to be His representatives – imaging the practical, visible love that He extended while He walked the streets of our broken world. Often, however, as much as we desire to live this out, we lack a collective strategy, and therefore the action of loving through service falls to a very few, often called the 80-20 rule in churches.


The identification of this challenge led to the development of a true Love Local ministry, founded on the words of Jesus himself in John 15: You are my FRIENDS if you do what I command. My command is this: LOVE one another. The result was FRIENDS, a compassion ministry model, equipping leaders and volunteers with a systematic approach to serving together as Jesus commanded, resulting in increased impact within a church and its community.


Through an adaptable framework, this team-based model sets processes in place that reduce the load for pastors and staff while increasing service and connection among members. By identifying various on-ramps for involvement and practical paths for loving others, Friends can help your church extend its reach and meet more needs than ever before.

Evidence of Impact

For many years, we have watched as God used FRIENDS to energize our church and impact our local community in life-changing ways, and we are excited to now offer this compassion ministry model to others. You may wonder what benefit this could bring to your church. Here is what we have experienced and why we believe this simple, practical approach to living out the 2nd commandment together may make a difference for you as well. 

Increased Involvement

The 80/20 principle is overcome when a larger number of volunteers are mobilized to meet many specific needs.

Cost Effective

Visible results are experienced with minimal financial outlay.

Network Approach

Varied teams meet needs to prevent members ‘falling through the cracks’. Team leaders form the network core, distributing information and support to minimize compassion fatigue and increase effectiveness.

Intergenerational Ministry

Opportunities are provided for all ages to connect while serving and to use their varied gifts and strengths.

Relief for Church Leaders

Pastors, elders, and leaders, are freer to focus on priorities when supported by a wider base of volunteers.


Both longtime and new members. Recipients of this dynamic compassion ministry often find their own place of belonging and purpose within FRIENDS.

Visible Community Impact

God strengthens His people as they love each other and so prepares them to be ambassadors on the move who extend practical compassion to their neighbors.


We also acknowledge the many people who have played a part in this journey and who continue to volunteer their resources, time, and prayers.  Without them, Friends Love Local would not be where it is today.

Board of Directors

Linda Varnado, Suzanne Jett, Randall Morgan, Charli Bullard, Jinny Glasco, Susan Baker, Doug Varnado, Tricia Edwards (Not pictured)

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